About Us


Who we are:

Redeemer Christian Church is an Evangelical, Interdenominational, Full-Gospel church in Marshfield, WI.

We are Evangelical because - We believe that it is the duty of all Christians to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as we can.

We are Interdenominational because - We believe that denominational boundaries and borders can sometimes prevent the church from "being one" as Jesus desires it to be.

We are Full-Gospel because - We believe that everything that occurred in Scripture can and still does occur today.

Here’s a brief history:

Redeemer was founded in 1995 by Pastor Art & Valorie Scottberg in response to a call from the Lord to begin a new work in Marshfield. Soon, others joined the leadership team, and the fellowship was off and running! During the first year services were held in a local banquet hall. Then, in response to prayers for our own space so we could minister more effectively, a building became available to lease just off of Central Ave. in downtown Marshfield.  For 17 years that was our church home. It was humble, but it served our needs as we served others.  Then, in 2013, a very generous local business family donated a facility at 3rd & Chestnut in the beautiful historic district of Marshfield, and Redeemer Christian Church had a new home!  It has taken some time and a great deal of effort by the congregation, but our "new" building is ready!

What we do:

Redeemer is a church that is big on fellowship!  It is our hope that individuals and families within the church build relationships that extend outside the church.  So, the first thing we do on Sunday mornings is have some time for coffee, a little something to eat, and plenty of getting to know one another. Fellowship time starts at 9am.

Then, at 10am we all go into the chapel for service, which begins with a Scripture and is followed by congregational singing and worship.  Children through age 11 or so are dismissed after a song or two to go to Children’s Church so they can learn in an age-appropriate environment. 

Worship is followed by prayer for any needs, testimony time (the mic is open for anyone to share what the Lord has done for them) and a teaching. Unlike most churches, sermon time at Redeemer is somewhat interactive, and if someone in the congregation has something pertinent to add, Pastor Art allows time for that.

Our Leadership Team:

Our Elders are Art Scottberg (Pastor) & Hank Zimmermann. Our board members are:Valorie Scottberg, Alonie Zimmermann, Phyllis Olson & Mary Seehafer.